My name is Eliza. My Menstrual cycle used to be a constant battle in my life. I experienced unbearable pain within Menstruation, & my Pre Menstruation was filled with an overwhelming anxiety & anger. Like so many of us, I was told that ‘it’s just something that you have to learn to live with as a woman. 

Eliza takes us through the rhythms of the menstrual cycle:

For those that have a Menstrual cycle. You have a rhythm held within you. It is here to empower us, balance us & guide us through our life.

Menstruation, Pre Ovulation, Ovulation, Pre Menstruation

Each of the phases are here to guide us. They each shift the way that we feel within our emotions, within our body & within the world around us. They each guide us on how to THRIVE as women.

We begin within Menstruation.

We usually stay here for 3-7 days. The first day of our bleed marks the first day of a new cycle. This is a time of deep release- both emotionally & physically.

Our body releases the extra lining of our womb that we built in the cycle that’s just passed, while also preparing our body for the cycle to come by choosing a group of follicles to grow.

Our hormones collapse to the lowest that they’ll be throughout our whole cycle, & our energy collapses alongside. Our body naturally moves more slowly & with more awareness, while it restores & revitalises itself for the cycle to come.

We are deeply intuitive, powerfully present & effortlessly wise.

We feel

Separated from the outside world, craving rest. The need to nourish and prioritse ourselves. Full of awareness for our place in the world & a strong pull towards our calling. A deep intimate connection with ourselves & a disconnection from others. Reconnected to the core of our being.

Pre Ovulation

We then move into Pre Ovulation.We usually stay here for 6-10 days. Our Pre Ovulation begins as our bleed ends. This is a time of gentle expansion, this is our time to explore ourselves & our place within the world.

Our body is nurturing & growing our chosen follicle, which in turn is releasing a growing amount of Estrogen. As Estrogen gently grows, our energy gently grows alongside.

A spark ignites within our body & we feel ourselves expand into the world around us.

We are light hearted, enthusiastic, optimistic & tender. We’re gifted with a very precious energy within this phase.

We feel
Ready to reconnect with the world in an innocent, playful, curious & creative way. An enthusiasm for life & all its possibilities. Cleansed with a renewed sense of being. Life become lighter & brighter. Ready to take risks without our voice of reason getting in the way. Full of potential.


Ovulation follows. We usually stay here for 3-4 days.This is a time of abundance- emotionally, physically, energetically, sexually & spiritually.

We feel FULL- in the most beautiful way. Our Ovulation begins just before our egg bursts out from the follicle that’s been its home up until now.

Estrogen reaches its peak just before the egg is released, causing testosterone to arrive too. The combination of the two is beautifully powerful.

Estrogen is soaring & our energy is soaring alongside. Our body is overflowing with energy. Give it a direction & let it loose. We’re able to achieve incredible things within this phase.

We are effortlessly at home within ourselves, within our body, within our purpose & within the world around us.

We feel

Fascinated & fully engaged with the world around us. A deep desire for connection & pleasure. Our hearts burst with an overwhelming love. Ready to embrace all that life has to offer. Life become limitless. Ready to unleash our energy.

Pre menstruation

Finally, comes Pre Menstruation. We usually stay here for 10-14 days. This is our most misunderstood & mismanaged phase. This is a very sacred time.

Our Pre Menstruation begins as our body shifts its focus to creating a safe home within our womb. We work to nourish & thicken our endometrium- preparing it for a life if a life has been created.

Progesterone rules this phase & we feel our energy slowly draw back inwards.Our body begins naturally slowing down as we prepare ourselves for the release of Menstruation.

We are sensitive & vulnerable, yet also strong & assertive.

We feel

The emotions that we’ve been neglecting & pushing down rise to the surface & demand attention. Deeply intuitive & connected to our TRUE self. Our inner critic appear as we become critical of ourselves & all that surrounds us. Our tolerance drop as our limits & boundaries reveal themselves. A raw, wild, uncensored honesty within our voice. A need to put our needs before others. Honour it without guilt.

When we move through our Menstrual cycle with awareness & intention, we’re able to align our life to the phases of our cycle. Life feels balanced. We feel grounded. Life has a natural rhythm & flow. We step into our power.

For more insights follow Eliza's journey,, @landofthelalla. 

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