To kick start this series, we’d like to introduce to you our newest stockist Everyone’s Store, located in the heart of Whāingaroa (Raglan), New Zealand. After recently taking over ownership, Indya worked in-store for the past 5 years and decided to take the plunge of becoming the store owner during the pandemic. What seems risky to most, was an opportunity for Indya, and we see that first hand in the community that surrounds Everyone’s Store. 

“I want each person who walks through the doors of this store to have a good time, from the music that hits your ears, the smile that greets you, the garments that draw your eye.” - indya


 1. Tell us a little about your store… Where are you located, where did the name come from and how long have you been operating?

My little store is in the heart of Raglan, which is on the wild west coast of Aotearoa. The name Everyone’s Store Raglan was chosen by the previous owner who I worked very closely with. We couldn’t find a name that stuck. Then he suggested “Everyone’s” and it just felt right. After working in the shop for 5 years or so, my boss gave me the opportunity to take over the store on my own. I was super scared as I was only 26, in the middle of a pandemic and felt a little clueless. But I did it! And I’m proud of myself for just doing it. I took over in October last year and have been loving the rollercoaster of owning a business ever since. 
2. What motivated you to open a physical store?
I have always had such a huge love for fashion and for helping people find garments they feel amazing in. So working in retail a lot of my life was always fun and a great challenge. I never planned on opening my own store though. I didn’t think I was capable or ready but it all happened really organically and in good time so I was able to push myself and back myself by the time I officially took over. Having a physical store means so much to me because it is about an experience. It's about the music, the touch, the smells and making sure the shop flows. It is about having good kōrero with different humans from all walks of life and making a shopping experience a comfortable one. 


3. We have to say, your insta looks like you’re all having a lot of fun at the shop. Do you think this is a result of passion for the space and the industry or your ever-growing community. Or both?
Awww thank you! I am having so much fun with it. I mean why not make it fun?! I have always thought of business being such a serious thing and I really wanted to change that. I wanted to show that you can make owning a business fun and it has really helped me create the vibe for the store. I am also surrounded by some of the most epic and supportive people on the planet so that helps a lot! Raglan as a town is filled with so many expressive humans so I think naturally everyone contributes a bit of individuality to this town, and my shop really shows that. Then you combine a love for fashion, music, my town and people, you get Everyone’s Store Raglan.


4. What would you tell someone who was thinking about opening a physical retail store vs an ecomm store?
I think it is all about the vibe you want to create. If you’re wanting a physical store you need to put a lot of love and work into creating an environment you’re proud of, and a space where you can let your vision flow. I aim to make my store a destination store, where its on peoples list to visit if they come to Raglan. I want it to be an experience. Thats why I enjoy the perks of a physical store. Keep it old school haha. So when choosing a physical retail store or an ecomm store, try to be prepared for what you want your customer to experience, and how you’re going to achieve that.


5. For all those days where the alarm clock goes off and you’d do just about anything to roll over and hit snooze, what motivates you to get up and open the shop?
I must say, I’m a very early riser so the waking part isn’t the hard part for me, but the motivation through the day can usually be my struggle. I suffer with pretty intense anxiety and my mental health can be a little bit all over the place at times so this is something that can get in the way of my motivation a lot. I’m learning that with responsibility comes extra stress but it doesn’t have to determine my day. So I usually allow myself to have a little moment and then get going, skull some water, laugh with my friends and get the shop looking extra fresh. I’ll re-merchandise the store, move it around and usually I feel much better and my motivation comes back. The support I feel from my friends and whānau is huge too. If im having a tough day, there is always someone who will sit in the shop for me and let me go wash off. Even if it is just a quick swim in the ocean. The biggest thing I am trying to achieve at the moment is the balance between life and work. Its forever a challenge but something we need to all remember.


6. You’ve just started stocking HARA, what can your customers expect to see and what are you most excited for?


I am so stoked to finally have Hara in store! It has been a dream of mine for a long time as I have lived in my Frankie flares for a while now. Everything behind Hara inspires me, and Allie really showcases the true definition of being a mana wahine leading her business. After doing my first order with Hara for the store, I sold out in a week! This was a pretty outstanding result and the Raglan crew absolutely fell in love with the pieces. So from now I’m going to try get a little more stock and branch out with some different garments. I am so excited to see more people wearing Hara and more people loving themselves in the pieces. It is such a rewarding feeling. Hara adds such a beautiful element to my store and I just want to keep growing my stock and keep it consistent so it can be accessible to people in Raglan and Aotearoa.

 Ngā mihi nui xx 



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